The biggest thing holding you back

The Biggest Thing Holding You Back In Life

Today we’re going to talk about the biggest thing holding you back in life.

But first a story…

Back in late 2015 when I met my current girlfriend I was going through a rough patch.

Both my father & my grandmother had passed away only a few short months before. 

I was not okay.

Now I—like many others—have a nasty habit of taking it out on myself when things get bad or rough. 

Constantly beating myself up about things that I can’t control. 

Getting depressed, putting myself down, not liking, loving or even caring about myself.

I wasn’t like this all of the time, but it happened enough that after a few months of this my girlfriend pulled me aside and gave me some tough love.

She said, “Steve, you need to stop beating yourself up so much.”  

“If you don’t like yourself, if you don’t love yourself, if you don’t believe in yourself, then what does that say about me?”

“The girl who chose you, who loves you, who believes in you to succeed…”

“I am not a loser. I don’t date losers, I date winners. I know that you are a winner. So stop acting like a loser. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You can’t change the past but you can change the future.”

“All that you need to do is start believing in yourself.” 

“Be selfish. Put yourself first. Re-learn how to love yourself and believe in yourself and everything else will fall into place.”

Fast forward six months from that talk and I was working for Red Supplements while traveling around the world. 

Now you and I, we’re different people. 

Different history, different problems, different struggles, different goals.

But at the end of the day we’re both people.

Human beings with thoughts, feelings, and dreams.

And if you want to actually achieve your dreams, then there is one thing that you need to do. 

You NEED to Believe in Yourself.

You need to be selfish. 

This is even more important if you have family, friends, children, or others relying upon you.

Because the biggest thing that is holding you back the most is YOU.

  • Starting a new habit
  • Taking care of your family
  • Building muscle
  • Losing weight
  • Getting a new job
  • Making more money
  • Traveling the world

These are all great things. Amazing goals to shoot for.

But you will NEVER accomplish anything without first believing in yourself.

Every single person who is successful believed in themselves BEFORE they became successful. 

They believed that they would succeed and so they succeeded. 

In life, you can only go as far as you believe that you can go.

If you believe that you aren’t lovable, if you believe that you aren’t good enough, if you believe that you don’t deserve to become a champion, then why should anyone else believe in you?

The first battle is in your mind.

Believing that you can do it is the first step on the path to success.

Strip away the excuses:

  • I don’t know enough
  • I don’t have enough time
  • I don’t have enough money
  • I don’t, I can’t, It’s impossible, etc, etc, etc.

Throw all of that right out the window and what are you left with?

You’re left with yourself and your beliefs.

Do you ACTUALLY believe that you can accomplish your goals?

If yes, then go do them.

If no, then why not?

  • Why have you not started doing whatever it is that you want to do?
  • What is holding you back?
  • Why don’t you believe in yourself?

Learning how to believe in yourself is not easy and it’s not going to happen overnight.

It takes time and it takes strength.

Most of all it takes consistent, conscious effort.

Nobody is going to come and grab your hand and show you how to believe in yourself.

Like all of the most important things in life, on this one, you’re on your own.

It takes you making the commitment that you are going to decide from now on how you are going to live in the world.

That you aren’t going to keep holding yourself back any longer.

How you are going to do everything in your power to ensure that you live each day to the fullest.

That if you are happy and productive today, that everything else will eventually fall into place even if you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

That despite your past and despite whatever you may have thought about yourself yesterday—today is a new day and today you will choose to believe in yourself, and that alone will make all the difference.

Much love,


2 thoughts on “The Biggest Thing Holding You Back In Life”

  1. Everyone who wants to amount to anything needs to have SELF-BELIEF. Like you said, “Every single person who is successful believed in themselves BEFORE they became successful.”

    People who lack self-belief are full of self-doubt. All their creativity goes into making excuses for themselves. Which is such a waste of potential.

    1. Agreed 100%. At the end of the day what you think is what you become. If you believe in yourself and know inside of yourself that you are destined for greatness, then as long as you don’t quit, you will realize greatness. It will never be what you originally thought or expected, but it will happen nonetheless.

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