Don't Break The Chain |

“Don’t Break The Chain!” Advice From A Living Legend: Jerry Seinfeld

Have you ever heard of the concept called “Don’t break the chain?”

It comes from the great comedian Jerry Seinfeld and it was his advice to a young comic about how he could improve at his craft. 

The story goes a little something like this…

One night a young comedian named Brad Isaac found himself working at the same club as the legend, Jerry Seinfeld.

After the show he caught up with Jerry backstage and asked him if he had “any tips for a young comic.”

Here’s what Jerry said (according to Brad)…

“He said the way to be a better comic was to create better jokes and the way to create better jokes was to write every day.

He told me to get a big wall calendar that has a whole year on one page and hang it on a prominent wall.

The next step was to get a big red magic marker.

He said for each day that I do my task of writing, I get to put a big red X over that day.

After a few days you’ll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt.

Your only job is to not break the chain.”

Don’t Break The Chain!

Simple, efficient, effective.

So many guys out there love to get complicated with their daily habits, schedules and systems that they create to help run their lives.

It’s like they’re always in this mad-dash to pursue the latest & greatest technology, tips, and tactics that might help give them a 1% edge in life.

But honestly, you don’t need any of that nonsense.

Simple is better.

A big ol’ calendar on your wall with Red X’s all over it is better.

Don’t break the chain is better.

Here’s how you apply Don’t Break The Chain to your life…

Pick an action that is beneficial to your life. This should be a habit that is:

1) Easy-enough to do every day in under 30 minutes
2) Moves you closer towards a BIG goal
3) Something that you can do every single day

For example…

Going to the gym and lifting weights everyday is a BAD “don’t break the chain” habit to pick. 


Because going to the gym and lifting weights every single day is going to lead to you hurting yourself & burning out. You need to let your body properly rest and recuperate. But if you chose that as your habit, then rest days would break the chain. So that’s out.

A BETTER daily exercise goal would be to go for a 20 minute walk everyday.

If you go for daily 20+ minute walks everyday then you will 100% hit your fitness goals faster—whether that is losing weight or gaining muscle. 

Other good daily “Don’t Break The Chain” habits include:

  • Writing (words or time)
  • Stretching (routine)
  • Meditating (time)
  • Working on personal project (side-hustle, etc.)
  • Learning a new skill (language, coding, etc.)
  • Reaching out to 1 person (socially, sales, networking, etc.)
  • Posting on social media (brand-building, etc.)

You get the idea.

Remember, the goal should be:

  1. Actionable! 
  2. Able to be done daily
  3. Moves you closer towards a BIG goal

Personally, I’ve got a physical journal that I’ve been writing in since 12/25/19. 

So my chain is at 28 right now. 

Writing daily journal entries helps me to record my mindset and keep track of everything that goes down on a daily basis.

It’s a great thing to review at the end of a week to keep me on track for hitting my goals!

Here’s your mission, should you choose to accept it:

  • Pick a habit & get started! 

It doesn’t have to be crazy or difficult and you don’t even need to tell anyone.

Just pick a habit, get a big ol’ calendar on your wall, and put an X over each day you do your habit.

And always remember: Don’t Break The Chain!

We’re almost done with January and the new year/decade is moving forward full-steam ahead!

Now is the time for ACTION. 

As always, feel free to leave a comment and we can work on figuring out a solid goal for you to pursue.

Your Brother,
Steven Correll

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