How To Treat Your Body Right |

How To Treat Your Body Right

Most people treat their bodies terribly.

Sad but true.

  • Their diet is garbage.
  • They don’t exercise.
  • They don’t care about themselves

You do realize that you only get 1 body right?

You do realize that your body is you, right?

I think many people have this weird, messed up notion, where they believe that who “THEY” are is this imaginary person, sitting on a throne in their head, looking out of their eyeballs.

That your brain and your thoughts and your consciousness are the only things that matter.

That your thoughts are the only thing that makes you, you.


  • Your body is you
  • Your brain is you
  • Your fingers are you
  • Your toes are you
  • Your heart is you
  • Your stomach is you
  • Your kidneys are you

You are made up of a million-billion cells that are all working together all of the time.

They are living and dying and doing everything they can to enable you to exist in this world.

And you probably don’t give a sh*t about them.

When was the last time you thought about your immune system?

The human body is such an incredible thing, sometimes I just look at my body in amazement.

Think about it like this for a minute…

Your immune system is like your own personal army.

It’s the defense force of your body.

Every time you have a cold, or something worse like the flu or a disease, you are literally being ATTACKED.

Foreign invaders: bacteria, viruses, fungi, they are attacking your body, your temple, YOU.

They are trying to KILL YOU.

And your immune system, your white blood cells, your T-cells, they are fighting for your LIFE.

They are dying, in mass quantities, to SAVE YOU.

Every time you get sick it’s all out warfare inside of your body nonstop, 24/7, until the invaders are killed or you are.

Stop and think about that for a second.

When was the last time you thanked your body for everything it does for you?

When was the last time you thought about breathing?

You know, the one thing that all mammals must do to survive?

Breathe oxygen.

When was the last time you thought about how amazing it is that your body just breathes for you, all the time.

People think it’s a silly thing to think about.  

They say, “Why should I care about my body breathing or my immune system killing viruses for me?”


People forget that.

The only thing you can be 100% sure of in this life is yourself.

Your body is not a foreign entity.

It’s you.

In all of its glory or shame.

So take care of yourself.

Love yourself.

Believe in yourself.

Because… if you don’t believe in yourself, if you don’t love yourself, if you don’t take care of yourself–how can you ever expect anyone else to?

Be selfish about taking care of yourself.

  • Are you surrounded by people that you don’t like?
  • People that drag you down?
  • People that don’t encourage you to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be?

Cut them out.


You shouldn’t surround yourself with people who are not helping to make your life better.

Don’t be a jerk about it though.

Don’t spread bad vibes.

Just eliminate the bad vibes from your life.

Once you do, you’ll be amazed at how much better everything gets.

In my 25 years on this planet there are 3 MAIN things that I’ve found help me treat my body right.

I’ll be more general here, because while the specifics will be different for everyone, I think that the general advice is the same for everyone.

1. Move Your Body

Every time I’ve gotten depressed or fell in a rut, I was not exercising regularly.

Your body is your greatest resource and it NEEDS to be active.

Remember those old commercials on TV that would show people playing sports and being outside?

Then at the end they would end with:


Super-cheesy, I agree.



  • Go for a 30 minute walk everyday.
  • Lift weights in the gym 5 days a week.
  • Do pushups, sit ups, and squats everyday
  • Take Yoga, Pilates, Spin, Swim, anything

Just do something, your body needs it.

Consistent exercise is linked with a million-billion different benefits.

Literally every single person who is healthy exercises regularly.

You can not be healthy and not move your body.

You are a hunter.

Humans are the APEX predator.

We are meant to walk. This is why we stand upright on two feet.

You know why we’re the best hunters of all the animals in the world?

We’re not the strongest, we’re not the fastest, but we are the ones with the longest endurance.

(Also brainpower.)

It’s estimated that our ancestors walked over 30 miles a day.

Those hunter-gatherer badasses.

When was the last time you walked 1 mile?

Change that.


If you know me, you know that I am an advocate of the carnivore diet.

It works.

Really, really, well.

But that’s out of the scope for most people, and that’s fine. No worries.

Here’s the thing though.

You’ve been lied to your entire life about what food is good for you and what food is bad for you.

Food pyramid? It’s garbage.

Don’t listen to that.

I’m going to give you the #1 health advice for literally everyone out there.

Was it made in a factory? Don’t eat that. (At least limit quantites of it by a lot)

Does it come from an animal or plant? Eat that, primarily.

Also. Sugar. Don’t eat it.

Refined sugar is killing us.

Heart disease is the #1 killer. Diabetes is like number 6. Both of which are directly caused by eating too much sugar.

Please, don’t eat sugar.

People eat like 100g of sugar a day.

Keep that shit to 10g or lower.

(One can of coke contains about 38g of sugar.)

If you do nothing else but cut the sugar out of your life, you will be a lot healthier.

I promise.

3. Love Yourself

Your life depends on whether or not you love yourself.

  • Are you happy with who you are?
  • What you are doing?
  • Who you are surrounded with?
  • Where you are in life?

Those are pretty loaded questions and you may not have the answers right now and that’s fine.

But you do know deep down in your gut whether you love yourself or not.

If you’re questioning whether you love yourself or whether you love your life, then something’s wrong.

Now, I’m not saying that life is going to be sunshine and rainbows all of the time.

Because it’s not.

But the difference between someone who loves their life and someone who doesn’t is that when both people are confronted with struggle and hardship they react very differently.

Someone who loves their life will know that the sun will rise tomorrow and whatever hardship they face today is simply a part of life that they will overcome and grow from.

Someone who hates their life will use the hardship as validation for why their life sucks and why they should be depressed, angry, angsty, or all of the above.

I can’t give you advice on how to unfuck your life other than this…

You’re not alone.

Everyone goes through periods where shit is terrible.

But believe me, the sun will rise again.

The world will keep spinning.

And honestly…

The world doesn’t care about you.

So that’s why above all else, you need to care about you.

Because at the end of the day if you don’t take care of yourself…

Nobody else will.

1 thought on “How To Treat Your Body Right”

  1. Pingback: The 1% Principle That Can Completely Change Your Life - Steven Correll

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